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How to create layout and design for a website [theory]


Creating Layout and Design for a website Proper Layout and Design are two important things that we need to take care before creating any website or blog because some aspects should be addressed and kept in mind before we start any actual work , among those design and layout are two important ones. Layout is blue print of our website, It represents the overview of content and their co ordinate...

How to embed PDF document in HTML page ?


One or the other time you might want to embed PDF document in HTML page or either on your blog page. Here I came across such situation and embedded a PDF document in a web page and wanted to share the possible ways we can embed a document . Method 1 : Directly using HTML tags  with document URL It is very simple to embed your document in HTML page , All you need to do is upload the document and...

What is crossdomain.xml file and why do we need it ?


What is Crossdomain.xml file ? Crossdomain.xml file is an example of policy file which sets rules for apps using “same origin” security model and accessing data from different location.  Let us begin into the post Today when I am checking my Emails I saw one  HTTP 404 Error email where the user is trying to request for crossdomain.xml file.  So I thought that I can make a post on this file as a...

Top 4 Best and Free Photo Recovery Software prorgrams


There might be at least one situation in our lives where we experience the loss of valuable data stored in our PC. I remember I have lost 400 GB of my personal data by unfortunately formatting other hard disk drive during Windows XP installation. Similarly you might have come across such situations in some or the other way so this post talks about what you can do when you are in such situations...

Add your local photos to Photos App using Pictures Library


You might have seen libraries directory many times if you are using windows for quite some time, Windows assumes that you place all your digital data in the folders available in the libraries directory but in reality it is different scenario. There are many reasons for not to put your files in windows installation drive as you don’t know when you wanted to format your PC. So as of now this...

How to see the saved passwords in Internet Explorer ?


If you are using either Firefox or Chrome then by default these browsers allows by options to see the saved passwords in them but Internet Explore does not have that feature in its package. Some times it is really needed to see the saved passwords in browsers in case if you have forgotten the password or you might want to see some other persons password saved on your local pc, So how do we find...

Friendcaster : Facebook App for Android Tablet


Friendcaster for Facebook App is one of the best third party developed  facebook application for Android Tablets and Android Phones.  It has been downloaded more than 3 Million times by the users so that you can guess how popular this faccebook app. Many will feel that the Official Facebook App is lagging very seriously and the Friendcaster is one of the possible replacements for this problem...

Seven Best Browsers for Android Phones


There are many browsers available for Android today in market, but the question is what is the best browser ? . In choosing an appropriate browser for your Android Phone you must consider various aspects like screen size of your mobile, low speed data connections and what you are expecting from the browser. With the evolving features in Android,  There are wide variety of features available in an...

How do I delete my Paypal Account ?


One of my friend introduced me into which is a paid to click service program. The major way of getting money that we have earned is either via Paypal or Alertpay. So I happened to create an account in both of these services. Paypal always had issues with RBI and came very close to death in India, However it recovered back to an extent but not to an extent that was expected. However...

List of Free and Best cloud storage service providers


With the over whelming response from the internet world to cloud storage technology many of the big giants of internet are into the market list for providers of this technology. As the number of service providers offering cloud storage services increasing this post aims to bring the best cloud storage service providers helping you to chose best suitable for you. For personal use,  relatively...