What is Suspend option in Ubuntu and how is it useful ? If you have been using Ubuntu for some time you might be aware of the “Suspend” option. It is similar to the “Sleep” option in windows. Whenever you press this button system pushes the existing state of your machine to RAM and turns off power to all other hardware but it will continue to provide power to RAM as it is volatile memory whose...
How to Install windows 8 from USB drive ? ( ISO File )
Installing windows from USB drive is one of the possible ways of installing windows. There can be many reasons for you to install windows from a pendrive, It may be because the problem with your DVD drive or probably you don’t have the DVD copy of the windows you want to install. In such cases you can install the windows using USB stick provided that you have the copy of windows installation CD /...
How to Search using an Image : Reverse Image Search
If a picture is worth a thousand words then isn’t it be great if you can search using an image ?. There would be times when you wanted to search for an image but you don’t find keywords to describe the image. Gone are the days where you cannot search for an image itself to query for an image, Now you can use Reverse Image Search for this problem. What is Reverse Image Search ? Reverse Image...
Pin any run command to taskbar or start screen in windows8 ?
You can pin any run command to your taskbar or start screen on your windows 8 using the following method. In one of my previous video I have discussed on how you can pin shut down and lock PC shortcuts to task bar, In this post let us see how we can pin any command to start screen of your windows 8 operating system or to the task bar . It is very simple all you need to know the run command for...
How to enable confirm file delete dialog in windows8 ?
If you have noticed, windows8 does not ask for conformation when you are trying to delete a file or files. But what if you have accidentally pressed delete button on your keyboard then the file immediately goes to recycle bin. However you need not worry as the deleted file(s) only goes to recycle bin and you can recover back. It will be useful to have the confirm delete pop up dialog so you need...
How to stop users from uninstalling windows store apps ?
By Default Anyone who is using your PC can uninstall any metro application on your PC by just going to the start screen of your windows8 and right clicking on the App. But you might not like anyone who uses your PC to uninstall the windows store apps, So here is the way how you can stop users from uninstalling the windows store apps. 1. Open run box and type “gpedi.msc” which will open the local...
How to create custom tiles on windows8 start screen ?
If you want to customize the tiles on start screen of your windows8 , There are very few options available for customization using built-in features. When I was browsing I came across a post in ghacks.net, the post was about Obly Tile, a handy tool to customize the start screen and its tiles on windows8. Previously there was one app in windows store called Custom Tiles Maker , which was one...
How to create layout and design for a website [theory]
Creating Layout and Design for a website Proper Layout and Design are two important things that we need to take care before creating any website or blog because some aspects should be addressed and kept in mind before we start any actual work , among those design and layout are two important ones. Layout is blue print of our website, It represents the overview of content and their co ordinate...
How to see the saved passwords in Internet Explorer ?
If you are using either Firefox or Chrome then by default these browsers allows by options to see the saved passwords in them but Internet Explore does not have that feature in its package. Some times it is really needed to see the saved passwords in browsers in case if you have forgotten the password or you might want to see some other persons password saved on your local pc, So how do we find...
How do I delete my Paypal Account ?
One of my friend introduced me into neobux.com which is a paid to click service program. The major way of getting money that we have earned is either via Paypal or Alertpay. So I happened to create an account in both of these services. Paypal always had issues with RBI and came very close to death in India, However it recovered back to an extent but not to an extent that was expected. However...