CategoryApplication Softwares

Create a bootable WinPE ISO/USB using AOMEI PE Builder


In my previous post, I have written about Creating a WinPE image using Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit. In this post I am going to use one of the existing softwares called AOMEI PE builder for creating a bootable WinPE image. Since we have learned the process of creating a WinPE image using the microsoft provided ADK way, you will appreciate AOMEI PE Builder for creating a WinPE image in...

What is a Rule in Microsoft Outlook, How to Configure Outlook Rules ?


A Rule is basically an instruction for Microsoft Outlook to follow. So, you can instruct your Outlook to follow one instruction by setting up a rule. Basically Outlook rule will allow you what to do when you receive a mail from particular person or with particular subject line to your inbox. By defining a rule you can automatically move a mail coming from your personal friend to a personal folder...

How to Configure Microsoft Outlook 2010 with My GMAIL ID ?


If you wonder what is Outlook Software is then it is time for having a try on it. Outlook is one of the best tools to store all your emails offline and can access them any time with or without connected to Internet and It is one of the best tools if you want to design an Email. Not only as a tool that stores all your emails offline but also it has many features that you can think of. You can...

How to set up Office Communicator / Lync using Pidgin ?


You might probably have using Microsoft Office Communicator or Lync on your work station but there are some situations where you want to login into client communicator due to which you have to sign out of local office communicator. Here in this post let us see how can we use the pidgin to set up office communicator account and login using pidgin into the office communicator. As you might have...

How to recover your crashed hard disk ( Data Recovery Tools )


Todays Post is going to address all about recovering data that you think is lost or deleted , Many of us have come across this situation atleast once where we wish we could recover the lost data. The Solution for this problem is using Data Recovery Tools.           Tool Name Recuva Download Link Click here Description Recuva is one of the product of piriform , you might have listened CC Cleaner...

Coollector Movie Database, A personal movie manager.


If you watch movies then this application is worth enough to have a try. It is a kind of software that maintains a database of more than 80,000 movies with all its IMDB ratings , Genre ,  Cast,  Useful Links associated with the movie and many more. I find it very useful as I am not up to date with the movies that are being released , So I can open it and find the movies that are being released in...

How to add subtitles for movies playing in VLC ?


This post is about enhancing your VLC player to automatically download and add the subtitle from internet to the movie which you’re watching without you actually searching for subtitles in internet. The extension name is Subtitle Finder actually developed by alessandro , This script crawls the Open subtitles website for subtitles with the name of the movie you’re watching and displays list of...

How to improve your typing speed ?


Mouse and Keyboard are two essential inputs for any computer and in that keyboard is something hard to manage if you do not know the positions of keys. For any regular tasks you need to handle keyboard and if you don’t know the positions of keys it takes some time to find the positions and type the keys and which consumes time. If you can use your keyboard effectively then you can save time to...

WordWeb: Dictionary, Thesaurus (English to English)


WordWeb is a one-click English thesaurus and dictionary for Windows that can look up words in almost any program. It works off-line, but can also look up words in web references such as the Wikipedia encyclopedia. It is one of the simple and most useful application that anyone should have on their computer . Features of the free version include: Definitions and synonyms Related words 5000 audio...