Proper Layout and Design are two important things that we need to take care before creating any website or blog because some aspects should be addressed and kept in mind before we start any actual work , among those design and layout are two important ones.
Layout is blue print of our website, It represents the overview of content and their co ordinate positions in our website that we are about to present to our viewers without any design aspects. Following is a sample layout of a website that I designed.

This is just a simple and sample layout of any website but layout should include all the static elements of a particular page that appears over and over in your website. Once you decided your sample layout you can position them on your website by two ways
- Tables (traditional and Old way)
- Div tags (Division tags)
Design is the look and feel of your website, If your website design is good then your visitors feel comfortable in visiting your website and more often return to your website again to read more content. In this world of websites each website has its own unique or common design. I consider website design should have priority around 30% to be successful. This design property of your website is achieved by using
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Don’t worry if you have not come across these keywords like Tables, Div Tags and CSS , These are all part of HTML. If you don’t know HTML its fine but it is good to have a little knowledge in HTML and CSS to design your website by you but there are many people in internet who designs website and some of them are available for free but If you want to have a professional theme or design for your website you have to buy a theme for your website and this is called master page of your website.
Finalizing Stand Alone Website with structured content
Content is king in any website , Having relevant content what a user wish to see in your website is key for success. If you want to build a website for just knowing the procedure it is fine but if you want to build a website for helping visitors and building network with your visitors then for sure you have to focus on your content first. However there are many factors that involve that number of visitors your website has per day but having good content in website is a bare minimum requirement.
Layout , Design and Content , layout and design should be integrated and formed as master page where as content is separate of these aspects forming an object oriented method of building website. You can build your content while not bothering about the design and layout like preparing what content to be posted in website in a document or preparing a html file with no design etc..,
Once you are done with preparing content we should integrate master page which consists of layout and design with content forming individual pages like Home, Catalog, Contact us, etc..,
Stay tuned for tutorials of layout and design
Nice information to consider for my new website. The layout is quite splendid.
Thanks for your comment Cudjoe .