ArchiveFebruary 2015

Create a bootable WinPE ISO/USB using AOMEI PE Builder


In my previous post, I have written about Creating a WinPE image using Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit. In this post I am going to use one of the existing softwares called AOMEI PE builder for creating a bootable WinPE image. Since we have learned the process of creating a WinPE image using the microsoft provided ADK way, you will appreciate AOMEI PE Builder for creating a WinPE image in...

Create a WinPE Bootable ISO image / USB drive


We need a WinPE image as a per-requisite for us to capture the operating system. WinPE is a pre installation environment which allows us to do many things. If you haven’t installed WinPE on your system you can download and install WinPE by downloading “Windows Assessment and Deployment tool kit” (ADK). This software is essential for us to create a WinPE bootable ISO image. Alternatively you can...