For personal use, relatively storing less data or for backing up your own data we actually don’t need to buy the services from providers and can get it for free.
List of Best and Free cloud storage providers of internet
1. Drop Box :
Drop box is one of the finest service for personal use and is one of the well known service for any freelance worker or web designers over intenet. The striking aspect of dropbox is you are just one click away to access or retrieve your files back. The only limitation I can think of as a free user is its limitation on the data storage capacity, 2 GB. But what I would say is chose any other popular cloud storage services for storing non frequently accessed data and use the Drop box for frequently accessed data.
2. Ubuntu One :
It is the personalized solution to cloud storage for open source / ubuntu users . However Cloud Storage solutions will applicable independent or irrespective of Platform and is one of the best alternative to dropbox. It has all the features that you are looking for and is one of the open source project and I am hard core fan of open source and I love Ubuntu one and for your information there is enterprise solution for cloud storage by ubuntu one called as ubuntu cloud.
3. Google Drive :
It is one of the family of products by Google providing Google’s solution for Cloud Storage service, It offers 5 GB of Free data storage capacity. As you might all know Google provides best quality services to its customers but as it entered into the market very lately it might take some time for google drive to understand from the consumer points of view but is yet one of the reliable solutions.
4. iCloud :
Here comes the solution for MAC users by Apple INC announced on June 6th, 2011 for cloud storage services. If you want to set up an account you must be a MAC user and need a MAC ID to register. Though Drop box is one of the best solutions but because of the limitation on the storage capacity iCloud can be the best alternative and if you are a prior MobileMe user you will have 25 GB storage capacity than regular 5 GB.
5. Microsoft Sky Drive:
Sky Drive is one of the solutions by Microsoft for its windows users. It offers 5 GB of storage capacity to its users. It can’t be alternative for above but who knows Microsoft has its own operating system any tweaks for it could make it so popular for any of the other services to reach it. So , lets wait and see but is one of the best provider.
6. Amazon Cloud Drive:
Amazon , One of the known popular internet retail market service provider has its own solution for Cloud Storage in the form of Amazon Cloud. It offers same as the other providers offers 5 GB of storage capacity. I didn’t happened to have a try but got good feed back.
7. Box: is one of the popular name in the cloud storage service and I didn’t have a try on it but you can have a try on by following
I hope you have enjoyed reading the article and found the solution for your search. Have a nice day.