ArchiveAugust 2012

How to see the saved passwords in Internet Explorer ?


If you are using either Firefox or Chrome then by default these browsers allows by options to see the saved passwords in them but Internet Explore does not have that feature in its package. Some times it is really needed to see the saved passwords in browsers in case if you have forgotten the password or you might want to see some other persons password saved on your local pc, So how do we find...

Friendcaster : Facebook App for Android Tablet


Friendcaster for Facebook App is one of the best third party developed  facebook application for Android Tablets and Android Phones.  It has been downloaded more than 3 Million times by the users so that you can guess how popular this faccebook app. Many will feel that the Official Facebook App is lagging very seriously and the Friendcaster is one of the possible replacements for this problem...

Seven Best Browsers for Android Phones


There are many browsers available for Android today in market, but the question is what is the best browser ? . In choosing an appropriate browser for your Android Phone you must consider various aspects like screen size of your mobile, low speed data connections and what you are expecting from the browser. With the evolving features in Android,  There are wide variety of features available in an...

How do I delete my Paypal Account ?


One of my friend introduced me into which is a paid to click service program. The major way of getting money that we have earned is either via Paypal or Alertpay. So I happened to create an account in both of these services. Paypal always had issues with RBI and came very close to death in India, However it recovered back to an extent but not to an extent that was expected. However...

List of Free and Best cloud storage service providers


With the over whelming response from the internet world to cloud storage technology many of the big giants of internet are into the market list for providers of this technology. As the number of service providers offering cloud storage services increasing this post aims to bring the best cloud storage service providers helping you to chose best suitable for you. For personal use,  relatively...

How to chose between the best cloud storage service providers ?


Cloud Storage, It is  one the buzzing word of the technology this year and with trend it created many of the big giants of internet are into the list of providers of this service. If you are new to this technology please refer to my previous post on cloud storage service. Storing your files from any place with internet connectivity is one of the driving force for this technology. I remember...

What is Cloud Storage [basics] ?


At the rate of data growing in today’s world it makes no surprise that  Cloud Storage is also growing its importance. If you are a person who know about internet then you might know what a cloud in technical terms means. In general internet can be considered as a cloud. Even in term Cloud storage the cloud has the same meaning. So, If you now  read by applying the meaning of cloud to it then you...

How to create a php file to show list of files in directory ?


I have come across a situation where I need to place some softwares in a particular folder in my host but at the same time I want to provide my visitors to see what all available softwares are available in that particular folder. By default Apache provides list of files in a directory but in some cases it do not. It is easier to write the simple piece of php code to display list of files in a...