If you are using gmail and If you want to improve security of your google account to ensure no one can hack into your account then 2-step verification is the solution that is provided by google for you, and I bet you that it would be twice harder for a hacker to hack your account than the normal process. The two steps in process 1. Entering the Password. 2. Entering the Code that you receive in...
How to open and read docx, xlsx, pptx files in MS Office 2003 ?
Hi , This post is about how to convert a docx or docm format file of Microsoft Office 2007 to a compatible format of windows 2003. The most preferred solution for this would be upgrading to MS Office 2007 but still if you aren’t able to do this then refer the following techniques. Method 1 : Microsoft Compatability Package Microsof released a support package for MS Word 2003 long back for...
How to Change Login Screen background, Caption, Notification Text ?
This article tells about how you can Customize your login Screen from Changing its background image to Notification Caption and Notification Text. Thanks that Customizing login screen background is an inbuilt functionality of windows 7 so that Original Equipment Manfacturer’s (OEM’s) can create their own custom brandings in the login screen. Let’s see how can we customize our login screen...
How to set up Office Communicator / Lync using Pidgin ?
You might probably have using Microsoft Office Communicator or Lync on your work station but there are some situations where you want to login into client communicator due to which you have to sign out of local office communicator. Here in this post let us see how can we use the pidgin to set up office communicator account and login using pidgin into the office communicator. As you might have...
Facebook Account Temporarily unavailable problem and solution
Account temporarily unavailable Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes. Facebook Account Temporarily Unavailable Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience. Sorry, this profile is not available at the...
How to download and install google fonts ?
There are different fonts available in web , probably you might want to use different styles of fonts for preparing a document. As you know there are different available fonts installed in your PC but still you might want to use some font that you find when browsing through different available fonts. For such things google web fonts is one good source to browse through and there are already many...