Once again facebook updated its design with many changes but there are many people who hate this changes there is again a solution , If you want to get rid of only the new chat bar I would recommend to read my previous post of how to disable new facebook chat I would recommend to read it here.
As you all know , facebook is getting kind of routine so even they thought of it and updating it regularly but with the new ticker box I should say your each and every action will be updated , So most of the users complaint that they are loosing their privacy and its a bit disgusting to see the updates keep on coming.
For Chrome Users
Chrome webstore have already got an extension for undoing this changes , All you have to do is install Facebook News Ticker Remover
We already noticed some of the spam going round on facebook , where they promise to remove news ticker which ultimately leads to installing this extension but in mean while they ask you to like some fan page and blah blah but this extension is what all we need .
That is it now you should get rid of news ticker as well as the new facebook chat , If you want the new chat system please refer to my old posts.<
For Firefox users
- This time firefox lovers have to wait for a little time , but here is the addon Facebook Ticker Removal 1.0.1 which is not yet approved by mozilla but helps the purpose, installing this addon removes the news ticker.
- FB purity is very advanced addon that can restrict any part of the FB page all you have to do is install it and configure it with your customized settings.
Download it from here - There is also a user script to serve the purpose if you have installed Grease Monkey already
All you have to do is install this user script
FB Purity is also available as script here Here
This user script contains code to disable both new side chat bar and news ticker.
Happy FB’ing
Hope this helped you.