Facebook Personal Information :
Now you can download your personal information from facebook too , To download this personal data from your facebook all you have to do is just open your account settings page.
Then just click on download a copy to get your copy of download , Facebook takes some time to create your archive of personal information and once it is done it informs you how to download your data by communicating with your personal mail.
Thats how you can download information from facebook now lets take a quick look at google’s case
Google Takeout
The information that’s stored with google can be downloaded from its website http://google.com/takeout .
What you should do is just go to Google Takeout and click on create archive.
Then it creates an archive of your personal information of your selected choices , you can download by just clicking on download button.
That’s how you can download your personal data from google and facebok , hope you liked the article…